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Achievements / Projects


1 of 2 AEs targeting new business accounts from 300 to 5,000+ employees.

I streamlined the demo process by developing a mutual action plan since we had no process in place.


I also implemented the use of an emulator to better showcase the product compared to traditional google slides that didn't represent the experience the customer would get, which the CEO coined, "the best way this product has been presented since we started in 2015"

Motive Q2 2022 Finish Above Plan

Finished at 184.5% to goal 

2021 Wix Top Sales Producer

I finished the 2021 calendar year out as our top performing rep. Communicating with users, uncovering a need, and getting them bought into what they are doing has been highly rewarding for me. Success can also be contributed to the team relationship I've been able to build during my time here. Friendly competition, positive interactions with our AA's, and being able to rely on our internal network of knowledge has helped my overall development. 

Additional Projects Given

Product Blasters Initiative

Elected to be the individual from our team. The product blasters is a small team of individuals from different verticals that come together and work with our product insights and product development team to help come up with immediate product solutions from customer feedback. Once the newest product release is determined we then relay that information to our respective team for use in all future customer interactions. 

Monthly Product Release Series

A natural progression from the product blasters, I was selected to lead additional team training once a month on a product of my choosing that would relate to our local and international teams. The goal of this is to best inform our teams of available features and how to implement them into our daily talk tracks to help capture more business. 

YouTube Channel  (created just for fun)

I've been able to focus some time into creating my own Wix focused channel. The idea behind this for me was to be able to reach a larger audience with a single demo/review and ultimately lead to an external lead funnel that I can convert. The channel has seen some mild success since its inception with a few videos capturing thousands of views. 

Point of Sale

I was chosen along with one other team member to spearhead our Point of Sale lead efforts. With tons of data on the backend it's hard to determine what creates a high intent PoS user. Our task was to filter through about 1,000 leads over the span of 20 days to offer as much data and insights as possible. Due to our efforts our entire PoS inbound lead strategy has now been changed and our process is 86% more efficient at capturing high intent users. 

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